Virtual Fitting Instructions - Step 2

These photos will help us understand your foot shape in order to work out the best boot model and fit for you. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and keep the measurements as accurate as possible. We suggest taking these measurements at night or after sport, when your feet are at their largest.


Pen, 2 pieces of A4 paper, ruler, soft tape.

How to trace​

  • Place the paper on a hard surface
  • Stand on the paper barefoot
  • Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed
  • Your weight should be on the foot to be traced
  • Get a friend to trace that foot. The pen must be upright
  • On the tracings, mark the middle of the heel
  • Then mark the furthest point (it might not be your “big toe”)
  • Measure the distance between the 2 points. If you get a different result after a few attempts, don't worry, we only use these numbers for reference. 

We need 6 photos:

1. Take 2 photos of your left and right foot tracings, ensuring that they are taken from straight above so that the foot shape is not distorted.
2. Take 2 photos of the circumference around the ball area of your foot. Find the longest and widest part of your foot under your big toe and pinky toe, where the joint is located. Use a soft tape to measure the circumference around this area. Measure while seated and with your feet relaxed on the ground. Do not press or lift the measured foot.
3. Take 2 photos of the circumference around the ball area of your foot while standing. Ensure that you have the majority of your body weight on the measured foot, and do not lift the other foot nor bend the knee.

Good job! Now upload all 6 photos, you've completed step 2 :)